I already had the majority off the wiring done, only missing the the final connections, so i completed the wiring, the ground connection that comes from the tremolo was connected to the copper shielding and that was connected was connected to the input jack grounding, since the grounding from the input jack connects to the volume pot every thing is grounded and if needed to remove the scratch plate i only need to unsolder the the input jack cables since that will allow to do any tweaking without many troubles, if needed to totally remove the scratch plate is unsolder to more connections and it comes off totally.



I installed the neck and since only 2 tuning pegs have screws i placed 2 strings just to test into an amp to check the guitar trough an amp, it produced some noise on the strings and no unwanted noises from not been properly wired.


I will have to see if i can make the neck fit more snug, need to check whats causing the neck to not sit properly in the neck slot.
